International Promise Foundation was created as a means of giving back directly to the concerns of our industry's social audience. Much discussion and consideration have gone into our first initiative that evolves around the service families of nearly 2.5 million armed service members. Each of these families bare one common thread that links them directly to us all, teen children. In the, anything but normal, lifestyles that teenagers face everyday, those of service families face the added pressures of deployments, relocations, separations and even broken families. That is why International Promise Foundation has chosen the USO and its teen outreach our first initiative. The USO reaches out to these teens of military families through various social networks and web based technology.
The initiative will kick off with our Black Tie Gala on Tuesday, August 16, 6pm til 9pm at AmericasMart Atlanta. A combination of the talent of the USO Liberty Bells, Annual Retailers Choice Awards, Silent Auction Benefit, and the elegance of the Black Tie Gala will make this event a wonderful addition to Formal Fashion Week 2012.